Friday 23 March 2007

Really Going Some

My gas-and-electricity bill arrived this morning. I admit that I wasn't expecting one quite so soon, as the last one only arrived about a month ago. Even so, it's always nice to pay an essential utility bill, it feels as if I'm doing something useful and industrious to keep the lights on.

Thing is, perhaps I have too many lights on. Seems that this month alone, I've somehow used £120 of gas and electricity. It works out to about £90 of electricity and £30 of gas, but by any measure, I estimate that I must be really going some to be using quite so much of the earth's natural resources. What on earth have I been doing?

February was not THAT cold a month, surely. But it looks like I spent about £60 on gas during December and January as well, so maybe it was. I think I will look forward to the summer, when I will be able to turn off the heating entirely.

And where is all that electricity going? This month I used almost as much electricity as I did during all of December and January! What on earth was I doing? I use a stupid amount of electricty anyway, but this is more still. It's like I've been wired into the Texas correctional facility by accident. Surely the shredder can't use that much electricity? I haven't had more lightbulbs on than usual, as far as I remember. I'm pretty good about turning things off.

My bill should be going down, not up. In fact I even installed a new low-energy lightbulb upstairs last month. I am quite sure.

I can tell that I will not rest until I get to the bottom of the problem. I'm going to have to spend some time staring at the little spinning thing on my electricity meter, while turning things off and on and off again.

It's good to have a hobby. Even if it is an expensive one.

Thursday 22 March 2007

Bafflement & Confusion

Watching movies is not always fun for the elderly. Old people sometimes have trouble following complex plots. Bafflement and confusion may often result. "Who's that fellow, then?", "Didn't this bit happen already?", "Isn't he the bad guy?", "Why are they doing this bit again?"

Personally, I consider myself to be quite the sophisticated movie-watcher. After all, I watched 'Memento', the film that starts at the end and goes backwards, and understood it perfectly well. However, this was a few years ago. In the intervening time, I worry if I too have become too old to understand modern movies.

Today, for example, I watched a movie, the name of which I have already forgotten.. The Defence, or The De-something or other. Ah, that's it, The Departed. A film which came highly recommended for featuring much lovely scenery from Massachusets, Boston, and also for starring Marky Mark, although sadly without the support of The Funky Bunch.

The Departed is a long film. Two and a half hours, in fact. It is (and I counted) 17 minutes before the name of the movie even appears on the screen, so important is telling the back story. It seems to be a movie about a boy who grows up in a town of organised crime and then goes to work for 'da boss' by being in the police, where he informs of upcoming raids, etc, while simultaneously also having gone to prison and then comes back out so that he can work undercover for that boss.

That is the same guy, isn't it? Maybe this is one of those sophisticated movies that keeps moving forwards and backwards in time. That guy has a beard sometimes, but then other times he doesn't, I guess that's the undercover disguise bit. Hold on, now he's in the police office and has called the boss in the same room where he's also undercover. Hang on, is that not the same guy? No, hold on, he must be the same guy, I just got confused, I'm sure... What? Aah, crap! It's not the same guy! Not only are both of those guys actually DIFFERENT people, but what is more, I'm now an hour into the movie. Added to which, I'm not sure which one of them is Marky Mark. They both look like that guy from The Bourne Identity.

Why do they have a movie with two guys who look the same as each other? Why does the story have them BOTH attending the same therapist? Don't they know that could confuse a stupid person? (As apparently it did today.) Why can't movies be easier to follow? Couldn't they wear name badges, or something?Couldn't they use each other's names more often or something?

I got to the end of the movie, eventually, and once I got some idea of what was happening, it seemed rather good. Although I remained baffled as to which one was Marky Mark, though. Of course the end credits revealed that he was neither, and in fact that was someone else, the other police guy who was rude all the time. The one who wasn't Martin Sheen. Huh.

I'm not normally this dense. Maybe I'm just getting old. Maybe I have an odd brain condition that causes me to forget names and faces. Or maybe I just glanced away from the screen at enough important moments to mess me up.

Maybe I should watch it again. When I have another two and a half hours to spare. :-)

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Doesn't contain nuts

I've just finished eating some dry roasted peanuts. Guess what it says on the allergy warning?
Correct. "Contains Celery". Who knew?

My excellent taste in music

I always loved this song...

Every day is a Saturday, in the month of Spring
Seems the world is full of girls
Lookin' out for that love thing
The hood's down, we're cruising downtown
Just hangin' with my friends
The radio's ready to blow
We're getting in that vibe again

When your body keeps swaying side to side
Your spirit is free, it feels good to be alive
Oh yeah, that's the swing (swing..)
When you're happy to face the day with a smile
Open your heart, let somebody inside
Oh yeah, that's the swing (swing..)

(When you wake up in the morning and your soul is singing, that's when you're swinging.)

Everyone is having fun, like a holiday yeah
Plain to see she's the one for me
Don't need words to communicate
The music's loud, we're foolin' around
Just getting in the groove yeah
The sun's out, a lot of people about
We're checking out the views

When your body keeps swaying side to side
Your spirit is free, it feels good to be alive
Oh yeah, that's the swing (swing..)
When you're happy to face the day with a smile
Open your heart, let somebody inside
Oh yeah, that's the swing (swing..)

It's a kinda faith that you believe
To free your soul to fly
Kinda hope that makes you see
Your dreams can come to life

When your body keeps swaying side to side
Your spirit is free, it feels good to be alive
Oh yeah, that's the swing (swing..)
When you're happy to face (when you're happy) the day with a smile (oh yeah)
Open your heart, let somebody inside
That's the swing.. (swing..)

(Here I am...)
When your body keeps swaying side to side
(I've gotta try to make you understand..)
[Fade out]

I interviewed these guys back in 1996 - quite a shock to find this on YouTube, showing that they're still around 10 years later and performing it at Butlins..

Monday 12 March 2007

Instant update

I gave the coathangers to the local laundrette. Yay!

Sunday 11 March 2007

Tidy Sunday

I haven't done much blogging recently, but I have been, and still am, hard at work on the tidying-up front. Recent developments include, but are not limited to, having finally cleared enough space to get back into my bed (well, half of it anyway) and a rather successful clearing-out of a few cupboards.

In fact a cupboard clearance was staged this very afternoon. Kind of a large walk-in closet kind of thing. It's been kind of hard to get to, on account of having all manner of boxes and stuff piled in front of it. It's always been a good place to store things, and knowing that this means that I will have been using it to store lots of useless things which could actually be thrown away now that I'm all "ruthless" and stuff, it seemed like today was a good opportunity to go through it and see what could be tidied.

There was much to tidy. Clothes! Coat hangers! Floppy discs! Paper, everywhere!

My recently-found ruthlessness is now extending to clothes, as I start to make the entirely grown-up and quite reasonable decision that there is very little point in keeping clothes that don't fit me or which I never wear. Before I adopted my current 'black trousers, black t-shirt' look a few years ago, I was quite the demon for coloured shirts - and ties! Oh my yes, I was very partial to a nice shirt and tie. Now don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that I was ever stiff - a white shirt would only ever be accompanied by just about the noisiest tie you could ever imagine, and similarly I had many shirts which made plenty of noise on their own. Tidying up the closet today reunited me with my fashionable old friends.

Some shirts no longer fit me. I'm not exactly slim as it is, and it seems that I may have put on one or two pounds over the last few years. So even though I could still get these shirts on, and in most cases even do up the buttons, the end result was that vaguely "five months pregnant" look which is just so attractive in a man. Several of my favourite shirts became disqualified at this stage, including my pride and joy, one of the loudest, brightest blue shirts I have ever had the pleasure of wearing. I wanted to keep it, just to remember, but no - I must be ruthless.

Several more shirts turned out to still fit, but were of a sedentary colour which I no longer found appealing. A well-fitting but unacceptably brown shirt was discarded for this reason alone. There is no point in keeping clothes which I will never wear.

I also found a very strange looking pair of trainers, and I am not sure where they came from. They seemed unworn, but were very likely to remain that way - and this too rendered them disposable. Actually, and rather helpfully for a clothes tidy-up, the local council has very considerately placed a bright yellow "clothes bank" at the top of my street, which accepts donations of clothes, shoes, and textiles, and all in a good cause, with profits somehow going to the local Air Ambulance charity. So today, I managed to fill that bank up with used clothes and shoes, sure in the knowledge that I was doing good and not "throwing anything away" at all.

I am sure that my high-quality shirts and shoes will be swiftly snapped up by eager charity shop shoppers, and that soon my fashionable clothes will be sported around town by all well-dressed and possibly colour-blind men who share my similar build but are not quite so pregnant as I am. Of course this may be a romantic notion. In actual fact, and for all I know, my carefully-donated clothes may well be shredded and used to make feather dusters. I hope that this is not the case, but what I don't know won't hurt me. The most important thing is that I have a bit more space than I used to!

Shirts are one thing - ties are quite another. I used to love ties, and in fact still do. Generally speaking I was not able to get rid of any of my tie collection, seeing as how they are all completely gorgeous and perfect in each and every way. The colour, pattern, design, and decibel level of each one is perfect, and cannot, must not, ever be removed from me. Although I made three exceptions. Sadly it was necessary to jettison the Tweety Pie tie as it had somehow become ripped, and could only be worn in emergencies. It had shown weakness and therefore had to go, so I discarded it, ruthlessly. Plus, in amongst my collection of entirely perfect ties I found two entirely awful ties which were in fact my school ties. Since I hold no affection for these ties, since I left school 18 years ago, and since it is unlikely that I will ever be required to go to school again, I decided that now was the time to send these to the bin as well.

I also found a carrier bag full of new ties which I had clearly purchased in a mad shopping spree and not had time to unpack. Surveying the shop-fresh ties, I briefly wondered if they would sell on eBay, since "brand new with tags" items do tend to sell well. But the thought lasted only for a second. Any tie which is perfect enough to buy is too perfect ever to sell. I have kept them all, the exceptions that prove the rule that there is no point in keeping things I won't wear. I'm sure I will wear all of these ties again, or for the first time, one day.

All the floppy discs I found will be - at some point - copied off onto the computer and then wiped. Not yet, but later on. And as far as coat hangers go, I will say no more than they are an utter nuisance, and appear to breed while unobserved. I seem to have several hundred and I am not at all sure what to do with them.

That leaves the bulk of today's discovery which is.. paper! Tons and tons of paper. Paper in boxes. Paper in bags. Paper in envelopes, carefully sorted to indicate which pieces of paper I had read, which were important, which were not important, and so on.. Aagh!

I had already located about three boxes of paper for shredding in my earlier (and negligently unblogged) successful raid on the cupboard under the stairs. I was just getting through all that when now, I find nearly twice as much again. My poor little shredder is not going to be able to keep up with this. It already stops every few minutes for a rest - since even the £39.99 Argos Super Duper Shredder is not designed for constant use - and it seems unable to keep up with my high shredding requirements. I entertain thoughts of purchasing another, larger shredder, to let me clear my shredding backlog more quickly - but I remind myself that I will not be doing all this shredding forever, and that once I have patiently made my way through my current surfeit of paper, my current shredder will be perfectly up to the day-to-day use to which it will be put. Even though I could easily buy that £100 Argos Monster Shredder, use it, then sell it later on eBay, it is likely to be large and heavy and difficult to post. So for the moment I will do without. Let's see if I change my mind later.

So today I have indeed been feeling particularly industrious and pleased with myself. Somewhere at the back of my mind I can't help but think that my grand tidying-up effort has not truly started yet, because the stuff you can throw away easily is not the problem - it's what you can't throw away that prevents tidiness. But at least I'm getting somewhere. And even if there is still much more to do, at least I'm doing something..