Monday 3 September 2007

Motor Control

So here's how I spent my Sunday evening. Eating crackers and cheese, as one does, while catching up on some Calvin and Hobbes comics on the computer.

It all went very well. First I dropped the knife - and after a few minutes peering around on the floor, even after turning on the light and looking around with a torch and everything, I was forced to conclude that it had disappeared.

I went downstairs to fetch another knife, and returned to resume my eating. This continued for several more minutes until I then dropped the box of crackers, resulting in crackers flying all over the floor, accompanied by the crumbs that are inevitably created by the act of carelessly smashing a box of fragile crackers against an unyielding hard surface like the floor.

So I picked up the crackers, swept up the crumbs... and made a mental decision never to attempt any tasks requiring such complex hand-eye co-ordination ever again. I think I'll go to bed - let's hope I can at least manage that.

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