Sunday 30 March 2008

Where Chocolate Milk Comes From

I find it impossible not to be delighted by the label:

Friday 21 March 2008

Know Your Change

Lots of people know things which they think are true, or that they're sure they heard somewhere.. but not everyone knows the real legal deal. Today we take a look at a popular 'fact', that being:

"More than 20p in change isn't legal tender".

Is it true, or just made up? Well, this one is true - sort of. What is and isn't legal tender is, rather helpfully, defined by law, and particularly the Coinage Act 1971 (as amended by the Currency Act 1983). This tells us that, basically:

- Up to £10 in "big silver" (20ps, 50ps) is legal tender.

- Up to £5 in "weeny silver" (5ps, 10ps) is also legal tender.

- Up to 20p in bronze is legal tender.

More than that, isn't. So if you're thinking of paying your parking ticket in pennies just to be a nuisance, you're fresh out of luck.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Hippy Food Update

While on a renewed tidying kick this evening, I noticed I still had those two litres of soya milk in the fridge, back from last year when I mistakenly got the groceries destined for those hippies.

Noticing that the 'best before' date had now passed - 05.03.2008 apparently - I decided that it was time to test it or toss it. So I tested it - tasting, that is - and found it to be.. actually not that bad at all. So I have resolved to use it up before it goes completely off. After all, it would be a shame to waste it.

I suppose now I'm going to have to start growing my hair long. Oh, wait...

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Business Update With Antnoise

Welcome to the Business Update with Antnoise. Our top story tonight.. that Northern Rock savings account I opened? Screwed! On Saturday the interest rate went down to 6.25%. Which, by the way, is less than the 6.49% it used to be. Bah.

Meanwhile, in energy news, a gas and electricity bill of £250 has arrived. I'm not sure if this is good or not. Helpfully, my energy supplier has drawn me some graphs showing the deleterious effect I am having on the environment. I am sure these will be useful.

Apparently I can offset my carbon emissions by spending £55 on solar panels for Africa. That said, if I had my own solar panels maybe I wouldn't be using so much electricity in the first place. Why should Africa have all the fun?