Wednesday 24 September 2008

Dirty Ant


Well, it's all happening. I decided this afternoon that it was time to get rid of my old bed. It has been providing good service for ten years or so (and wasn't even brand new then!) but just recently it has been lumpy and bumpy, the matress going all weird and poking my bottom with its springs in protest. But today is the end. It is all part of the plan. Old broken-down double bed leaves, lovely carpet tiles go down, new box-fresh freshly assembled single bed is replaced on top. All is well.

At least the first part of that is out of the way. But here's the thing, if you ever get a chance to touch an old bed, don't. It really is very disgusting. I mean, my bed was fine for the purposes of laying down on, but once you start moving and lifting its parts, nothing but filth and grossness is found. Dust, fluff, crumbs, long-lost pairs of socks, newspapers, magazines, pens, floppy discs.. and more dust. And more fluff. And loads and loads of general 'ick'.

Unpleasant, yes indeed. Having moved the bed I notice that my wallpaper has nasty stains on it from where my body (and mostly my greasy head) has been near it. Nasty patches of discolouration and more ick. Gross gross gross gross gross!

I may have to replace the wallpaper before the carpet tiles go down. I had a look through the cupboards and found that the old "never throw anything away" mantra paid off nicely, as I found some offcuts of the wallpaper used for this room some ten years ago. I probably don't have quite enough to remove and re-lay the whole floor-to-ceiling parts, but I've probably got enough square bits that I could kind of paste over the brown bits. I'm sure it won't come through or anything like that.

It seems that I stain everything I go near. This leaves me feeling really rather unclean. Perhaps I should try living in a plastic bubble instead. Although that might make it hard to buy wallpaper paste, which I think I should try doing tomorrow.

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