Thursday 6 November 2008

Ant is sick

I am sick! I have been felled, like the once mighty buffalo. Yesterday I sneezed lots and lots, and today my whole body aches. I am too hot and too cold at the same time, and I can't sleep.

I am typing this on my phone with just one finger, so weak am I. Whatever evil it is that I have succumbed to, I hope it goes away soon. My brain is still working but I can barely speak a few words without coughing myself silly. And you know how that puts a crimp on a boy's social life.

Maybe I should go take a hot lemon or something.

1 comment:

sue eureka said...

oooooh poor you!! nothing for it but bed rest and lots of fluids. *smile*... and try not to spread germs.. tis nice to share, but not THAT nice!
