Thursday 7 January 2010

Sock Update

Two important updates to the very important previous post about socks.

1. I have remembered that actually it was not Primark where I bought my socks. Who buys socks in Primark of all places? No, it was actually a similar kind of establishment called 'Peacocks'. I don't know if they have them anywhere else.

2. While re-reading the post for the third or fourth time, and laughing at all of my jokes, I had an epiphany. A genius idea. A solution to the tyranny of knowing when to wash your socks. It is this:

I shall wear two socks! As is usual. But, here is the genius part. I will wear one white sock, and one black sock. That way, I can still have the enhanced style and social standing that comes from a 50% decrease in goat molestation, while at the same time also being able to judge when my socks are in need of washing. When white sock is dirty, black sock is probably dirty too, and both should be washed.

I *am* a genius.

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