Sunday 10 September 2006

Don't Believe The Hype

If the mysterous page counter of doom is to be believed, this is already AOL's fastest-growing blog, on account of having been viewed at least 8 times before I have even written a single word.

Then again, it's probably just counting when I look at the page. And I expect there's going to be a lot of that, because I can't really imagine too many other people actually reading this. Talking to yourself is often incorrectly diagnosed as "the first sign of madness", but apparently blogging to yourself is a perfectly legitimate activity.

I will confess that this is my first "proper" blog (if you ignore the other two that I don't tell people about), and in many ways I like to think that I actually invented blogging, because (in another place) I used to write long rambling articles about myself and inflict them on other people long before it became fashionable.

However, if the page counter keeps up with current trends, in the last few minutes this has probably become the most popular blog on AOL in recorded history. All this for such a disappointing first entry. I promise to do better in future. Maybe.

Note from October 2008: OK, so this blog started out on AOL, but then AOL turned to poop and shut down their blogging facilities. So it's here now. I always knew Blogger was better, really... :-)

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