Thursday 16 November 2006

Postcards From A Second Life

My Second Life is a non-stop rollercoaster ride of entertainment. No, really.

On Tuesday I met Beatfox! An actual proper celebrity, who has been on television and everything. Well, OK, not television, but YouTube, which is pretty much the same thing these days. I was walking around, and there he was - on the same screen as me. What a major event.

Despite all my best attempts not to sound as giddy as a schoolgirl in the presence of actual raw hot celebrity, I expect I gushed far too much. But as I said at the time, "It's like meeting George Michael.. only without the toilets, and stuff."

Today I purchased a puppy. It is small and cute, and has its own squeaky toy and personal fire hyrdrant upon which to whizz. What virtual life is complete without a virtual pet to go with it? Strictly speaking I already have a Second Life goldfish, but it seems a little flat, in day to day use merely contenting itself by rotating round its bowl at a constant speed and velocity. Whereas puppy actually walks around, and bumps into things and turns around. And when bored, will play with his squeaky toy. Oh! Oh! This is marvellous. I'm pretty sure this is the kind of thing that Charles Babbage had in mind when he invented computers.

I haven't yet selected a name, or indeed a gender for my puppy - although I seem to already be treating him as a 'he', which is probably quite sexist of me. Perhaps I will call him Mr Peebles, which always seems like a very suitable name for animals of all kinds.

I will need to be careful to make sure that puppy does not wander too far away if I happen to leave the doors open, but otherwise I'm sure he will be fine. And in the event of loss, perhaps I can stick virtual posters around the neighbourhood.

It's good to have something to keep me off the streets, anyway...

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