Wednesday 4 July 2007

What A Day

People can be funny things. So unpredictable, so.. annoying. And none more annoying than me, today, if all reports are to be believed.

It didn't start well. Opening my work email brought several grumbles from someone who was obviously well miffed that I had pointed out some showstopper mistakes in something that I was supposed to do something with.

Yes, it seems that I'm the bad guy, because don't I realise that it costs money to change things? And that they would make the changes "this time" but in future would I please speak only to the idiot who signed off the entirely faulty piece of work, in order that they can ignore me rather than look bad. Actually that last bit I added on myself. But nonetheless - it seems that I'm the bad guy for saying "er, hold on, this isn't right" rather than the person who signed off something which was so unusably bad and so entirely wrong in the first place. No "thanks for saving us from looking stupid in front of millions" for me, dear me no. No thanks at all for getting in the way.

A stroppy phone call (them to me) resulted in me almost losing my temper, but needless to say I was nothing but sweetness and light, even if I did need to shout them down to stop them from moving on to the next item on their list of my wrongs, before I had a chance to respond to the first one. Needless to say, my responses didn't count for a lot, they just waited for me to stop speaking and then continued as if nothing had happened. Admittedly they always do that - I think they think they're "handling" me - but it doesn't stop it being especially irritating in this case.

I wrote a big stroppy email (their boss, their boss's boss) complaining about it but didn't send it in the end.

The afternoon brought about more floundering emails from their department and associates, such that I had to send more 'firm' emails stating the case. The people who "get it," got it and were cool. The people who don't get it, didn't reply. We'll see how successful that strategy is for them.

This evening, a trip to the internet to visit my favourite discussion hole, where items of great weight and import are discussed. It seems that I am not soup of the day here either, being described as an "odious little wanker" by someone who I had disagreed with and labelled as a 'face man'.

Can't please some people some days. Still, there's always tomorrow.

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