Monday 25 February 2008

Have You Enough Adhesive?

For a long time I have been thinking that the one thing missing from my nearly-tidied room is some nice carpet. The problem with carpet, which my room has never been uncluttered enough to have, is that it's very hard to lay carpet if there are things on the floor.

Some months ago, an inspirational idea hit me. Carpet tiles! Carpet tiles are the thing, says I, because carpet tiles are square, and can be laid down one or two at a time, wherever there is a spare patch of floor. I can lay the tiles at a time of my choosing, whenever the flooring underneath is temporarily unencumbered by having something on top of it.

Needless to say, this idea did not meet with universal approval. I ran it past my best interior design consultant. She made all kinds of noises like "Euurrrooohh!!!! It'll be like an office! Eeeooo! No! No! No that's horrible! Don't do that" and similar admonishments which I don't recall. Nonetheless, the advice was against me. "Carpet Tiles: Don't Do It", which I think was a song by Grandmaster Flash back in the eighties.

Bravely I chose to ignore this advice, sure in my mind that I am the ultimate arbiter of style and fashion. Earlier today I measured up. 123 inches by 169 inches. That's "ten foot three by fourteen foot two" in old money, and given that your average industry standard carpet tile is 50 centimetres square, that means I need... 58 carpet tiles to make my room nice.

"Have you enough adhesive?", one carpet tile website asked me, in a manner which I chose to find entirely charming. Also a good point. I may need two or three tins of spray adhesive to cover my floor, apparently.

I had a look on several websites and couldn't find any colours I liked. Browns and reds and greens and blues have this nasty habit of all looking the same, really. There was a nice emerald green.. and a bright-ish blue.. but how to choose? Which colour is best?

And then I realised.. they're carpet tiles. I can have both!

But if we're mixing colours, then why stop at two? And that's when it hit me. I want lots and lots of brightly coloured carpet tiles, just like the picture at the top, there. Sadly the website that I stole that picture from doesn't seem to have ANY of those colours. But no matter, now I have a plan. A design for my floor. A design for living, no less. I have seen my carpet, and it is multicoloured. Just like me.


Anonymous said...


                       just say NO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just say no? No!

Oh, no no means yes. Carpet tiles win! Can't not be having no double negatives, after all. :)