Monday 18 February 2008

I Am Not Jealous

This afternoon I found myself wondering whatever had happened to an 'old face' from one of our parent companies. So I looked them up. And I found out about what they'd been doing in the last few years.

And they'd been busy. Turns out that while they were with 'the company' they had a sideline which earned them a cool quarter mil. (That's a quarter of a million pounds, in new money.) Very nice. But having earned that kind of money, they left... and in the few years since then, they made at least another half mil on top of that.. And what is worse, by means of rubbing it in, they even published a book at the same time.

Jealous? Me?

Yeah. Especially as they did pretty much the same kind of work as I did. Then again, I consoled myself with the thought that I'm pretty sure I could have made a million in ten years too, if I'd had the drive and talent. A colleague reassured me that my rich ex-colleague was in fact not remotely talented in any way. Wait, that doesn't make me feel any better! Dammit!

I am not jealous. I am not jealous. But by way of proving how insanely jealous I'm not, it did make me think that maybe if I really want to own enough money to buy the City of London (and perhaps a nice penthouse flat too), perhaps I need to get off my bum and do more.

Maybe tomorrow I'll take those bags of 2p coins down to the bank. Well, it's a start...

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