Friday 10 October 2008

How To Move

One of the annoying things about AOL UK is that they're often just not very good at things. For example, on the news that AOL Journals was closing down, the best advice they could offer was "how about you copy and paste your blog into Microsoft Word?".

Happily in other parts of the world, they try a little harder. So it is over at AOL America where they've actually partnered with the nice people at Blogger to offer an almost completely automatic, super-simple-to-use way of moving your blog from AOL to Blogger all in one go. It even saves all the comments that people have left on your blog, too. The especially good news is that even though they've not told anyone in the UK about it, it actually works just fine for our blogs too.

Pay a visit to to read more. And don't forget to bookmark our new home at

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