Tuesday 21 October 2008

Urgent Action Required

I have become aware that my eating habits are costing me a fortune. Not directly, that is, but indirectly, in a sneaky and altogether entirely hidden manner, by way of my apparently innocent-looking fridge and freezer.

Between the two of them, these household appliances are costing me £220 a year in electricity. No kidding.

My kitchen appliances had escaped me and my power meter as I walked around the house earlier in the year, thereby avoiding my thorough audit of energy use. But now I have them brought to rights. I have now plugged in my little meter, and now I have the data, oh yes.

My little chest freezer uses 95 watts. All the time, apparently. That's not good. My big fridge-freezer uses 135 watts. All the time, apparently. That's even less good. Long story short, this is costing me money.

Even though these appliances were "A" rated for energy efficiency in their day, that was a long time ago. Nowadays, an "A" rated fridge freezer, or even an A+, which is new, could use as little as 250kWh/year. (In non-geek speak, that's about £30 a year of electricity.)

£30 instead of £220 gets my vote. If I actually went out and bought a new freezer, it'd pay for itself in about a year. Well, if it was a cheap one, anyway. Maybe a couple of years for an expensive one.

I suspect, though, that I may have to curb my free-wheeling international playboy two-freezer lifestyle if I am to save as much money as possible.. er.. I mean, if I am to save the environment as much as possible. After all I do care about the toucans and the monkeys and the dolphins.

Can a man live with just one freezer? I wonder. And what am I to do with the old ones, which apart from being complete oil-burning hogs of things, are otherwise perfectly good and have absolutely nothing wrong with them?

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