Sunday 20 April 2008


Progress is slow as The War on Clutter continues. I made a bit more space in my bedroom today, but it took several steps to get there.

1. Free up some space in the cupboard unit downstairs, by bravely and heroically throwing away a number of old videotapes. (Ruthless, huh.)

2. Move the CDs that I keep meaning to sell into the cupboard unit, thus emptying the plastic crate in the front room where I had been storing them up until now.

3. Move the plastic crate to the shed, leaving a space in the front room.

4. Finally sell the CDs, leaving space in the cupboard unit again. (Used up one cardboard box and many hoarded jiffy bags as packaging, as an extra bonus.)

5. Move CDs from CD Rack in bedroom to cupboard unit downstairs, leaving a space in the bedroom. Even if it is a bit dusty.

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