Saturday 1 January 2011

I Must Blog All Year Long

I've taken to thinking that I have been awfully neglectful in not keeping my blog regularly updated. And so, with under an hour left of new year's day, I am reminded that a few days ago I considered that a good resolution to keep would be to "do a blog" each day, even if there was not much to talk about. Even if it was just "Boring. Worked. Ate. Slept." at a minimum. There's nobody who wouldn't enjoy that kind of quality writing, after all.

And so, therefore, I introduce my doubtless all-too-soon-to-be-broken resolution with this post. What larks, Pip!

Today was, in fact, not too bad. Despite it being new years day there were only a small amount of fireworks and hooting of horns by the local shipping at midnight. Later in the day, I was pleased to find that my preferred classy venue of choice (Argos) was open, and better still that it was not clogged up with people. So bought a moderately delayed Christmas gift and a new phone, and went on my way.

Er.. That's it. I'll try to do something more thrilling for tomorrow. :)

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