Wednesday 27 September 2006

One Hand Clapping

I'm typing this with just one hand. Stop laughing. It's nothing like that. I think I may have a problem. You see, it's my left wrist... these past few weeks it just hasn't been right - and I have this awful feeling that I may never play the piano again.

But sod the piano. If I want music, I'll listen to the radio. I'm more worried about my ability to type. Already I have discovered that I'm rather good typing with just one hand, and that at least reassures me that my life will not be completely over if some white-coated medical professional tells me to lay off the keyboarding. I'm feeling better now, but this morning I was in quite the funk. Could I cope as a one-handed virtuoso?

There are special keyboards that were designed specially for unipaws. Or maybe I could get one of those voice recognition headsets that you see on QVC. I'd just have to get used to saying all my typing out loud, comma, complete with all the punctuation and stuff full stop. New paragraph.

I will never finish my book with one hand. Typing like this is hurting my back. I hope I'm not going to have to keep this up for long. Maybe I'd better order one of those crazy keyboards, just in case. Maybe I should employ a secretary. Oh, this is a worry. I hope I'm just being silly.


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, you are being silly, but hey, carry on, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

that's great isnt it?.... i mean you've gotten GOAT'S professional opinion that you're jst being silly ... must be a relief to know its all in your head!... <stiffles a chuckle>..... as for finishing your book..... erm.. jst a small detail... but you have to start one to finish one... perhaps that might be a bigger potential problem than your reduction from typing up to full parr!.... jst a thought mind...

<wanders off smiling thinking i wonder when goat will start a blog... its like a little sub community.... .  .   .    .