Tuesday 21 November 2006

A Cure For My Ills

The nice thing about eBay is that sometimes they have discount days. Today, you can list whatever you want for just 5p. This is an excellent discount compared to the normal fees, when eBay will usually charge you something like £100,000 per item.

And as the photo shows, I have much to get rid of! So today I have been mostly taking photos of things, and scanning things, hoping that at some time within the next ten days, someone will be browsing the world's biggest garage sale and will think to themselves "Yes! I must have that."

And at least I have plenty of cardboard boxes in which to package the things before posting them to the lucky buyers.

Yes, the whole idea of eBay fits very nicely into my carefully-ordered lifestyle. Although having to walk down to the Post Office is a bit of a nuisance, but I guess you can't have everything. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

** glows with pride ** sorting out... tidying up.... man i'm proud of you Ant!!!... another 14 years should just about see it all sorted... race ya! :: :  :    :