Tuesday 25 December 2007

Sweating & Humping

All that stuff I said about being determined to be "tidy" within 12 months of commencing my grand tidying quest? Well, I guess I need an extension. In recent months I must admit to having allowed the pace of progress to slow just a little. In consequence - I am not yet fully tidied up. But I will be soon.

The picture you see, screen right, is the new look of the left-hand wall. (Members of the Tidy Club will be able to compare this with previous pictures taken from roughly the same angle.) At first glance, not much different, you may think - but no! Witness the new arrival of the off-green filing cabinet in the middle. This heavy piece of metal, resplendent with Pingu fridge magnet, joins the left hand wall for the first time this evening, after I painstakingly humped it across the room from the other side, where it had been for the best part of ten years.

I'm informed that use of the word "humped" occasionally causes confusion, and while there is nothing improper about the love between a man and his filing cabinet, I should clarify that I'm just referring to the process of pushing and shoving it across the room. I probably should have emptied it first but that would have taken far longer.

Why the hoohah about moving a filing cabinet a few feet across the room? Well, because now on the other side of the room, there is brand new space where a filing cabinet used to be! I think I might put a chair there. The space is also nicely positioned near the window, which means that I might even get an attack of the "Home Beautiful"s and put up some new curtains there, to replace the faded 'Garfield' curtains that I have treasured for so long.

I feel alive with the wonder of tidying. I am looking forward to the new tidying opportunities on the right-hand-side of the room that have been opened up by this furnitural rearrangement. Life is good, no?

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