Saturday 29 December 2007

This is your Ant on Red Bull

Well, it is past midnight. All my friends are (apparently) in bed.. and yet, I cannot help but feel that the day is not yet over. There is much to do! Much tidying to be done. I could be useful, productive, in these small hours.

To assist, I have just enjoyed a delicious tin of 'Red Bull', an energy drink which is apparently known for its beneficial effects during "periods of increased mental and physical exertion". It also contains 80mg of caffeine.

I am reasonably confident that caffeine does not work on me. Previous times when my co-workers have implored me not to enjoy that second Starbucks Frappucino, because the high coffee content will have me bouncing off the walls, proved that I am impervious to stimulants of any kind. So it will be this evening too, I am sure.

Now I'm off to tidy my envelopes. I will report back if I notice this drink having any effects whatsoever.

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