Saturday 9 December 2006

Don't Wake Me Up

Every so often I wake up from a dream and I want nothing more than to go right back. Wherever I was, whoever I was, I so desperately want that feeling again. I want to go back. But I can't. It doesn't work like that - it never, ever does.

And I miss the feeling so much. It fades so quickly, no matter what I do. I wish I could hold on to it. I wish I could keep it, store it somehow, have it always and always. But I can't. It affects me for most of the following day, but it fades so quickly, leaving behind only sadness and regret. What part of my life is missing?

I'm pretty fortunate. There's not a lot that I want or can't have. But this..
this thing is out of reach. It feels like it's everything I ever wanted. Could I ever feel this way when I'm awake? Please.. someone tell me that I could. Tell me what it is, what I need to do.. how to get it back. I miss it so much already.

Could I make this happen? Could I work to achieve this? I don't know if I could. I have a rough idea of the directions that would take me there, but would I ever walk that path? It's so long. So very very long. Out of reach to hands that reach only as far as the things that are easy, too scared or too lazy to embark on a journey that may never reach whatever it is that I seek. It may not be there when I get there, even if I could get there.

Every night I hope to return. Please don't wake me up. I could be the happiest man alive, just for a moment...

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