Friday 1 December 2006

What Kind Of Day Has It Been?

No, really, what kind of day has it been? I can't remember. I'm sure there was something big that happened today. I thought to myself "Well, I must write that in my blog tonight". But it's gone. Whatever it was, I can't remember. What was it? Was it even ever there? Am I imagining it? I'm forgetting a phantom memory that I never had?

I don't like this. It doesn't seem like a good sign.

But overall I think I had a pretty nice day. Last night I wrote down seven things that I knew I HAD to do today. And I was woken up by a phone call that added one more to that list. And several emails during the day brought several more.

Funniest thing - I did them all! Goodness, I feel productive. Definitely a better end to the day than how it started. Once again I awoke thinking it was Saturday, until discovering that it was not. Bleary-eyed and as unco-ordinated as a sleepy boy can be, I stumbled into the bathroom to do what I needed to. And then, I returned to my bedroom. I tripped over my bag. Then I tripped over a rather long cable, causing it to become entirely unplugged from the thing which it was plugged into. I just about got it connected back up, when I fell onto the bed, landed on my 'wrong' hand, experienced a pain that wasn't there before, and collapsed into a heap of pillows, fully contemplating what a pathetic specimen I must be.

Later, when I'd had a chance to re-take my start to the day, I was very pleased to be getting through my list of 'ToDo's with much efficiency. Several things I'd been putting off were done, and oh... how sweet it feels when crossing such a thing off the list. What a busy day I have had. Did everything I wanted to, as well as other unexpected things that people came up with during the day.. And even including one thing which, even today, I was thinking about leaving for tomorrow.. Ah, it feels nice to be useful.

I still wish I could remember what it was that I was going to write about today.

I'm going to need to start carrying around a notebook with me, I think. It might help me to remember things. And there could be many other uses to enjoy too, not least the wonderfulness of keeping a 'to do' list and demolishing it daily. That's not a terribly new idea, of course. I first read it in a self-help book called "How To Get Everything Done And Still Have Time To Play", the author of which went on to write "Do It Tomorrow"... which I haven't yet got around to reading.

Yes, a notebook. I need to start taking notes. And keep blogging more. Otherwise I'll never remember what I forgot.

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