Sunday 29 October 2006

Ant's Busy Day

Achievements for the day:

12.30 Had lunch.

13.15 Finished lunch. Thought about several things.

14.15 Looked up from computer and wondered where the time had gone.

15.45 Decided to weigh and take photographs of some things to sell on eBay.

16.30 Had a lie down and listened to the radio.

17.00 Noticed how dark it is getting all of a sudden!

17.45 Listed one item on eBay, will get to the others at some future date.

18.00 I'm not entirely sure I can account for the next two hours. I must have been online.

20.00 Finally took a look inside the annoying carrier bag under the table which has been getting in my way as I walk past it for several years. Found several coins totalling over £5, and numerous old videotapes of limited but useful interest. Copied these to DVD to send to a work colleague who will probably not be interested.

21.30 Bumming around online, doing a few little work bits, and checking my finances. I have been paid!

22.10 Feeling pleased with myself, looking at the space where the carrier bag had been.

22.15 Considering whether to go to bed. It still feels like the day has not yet got started but yet the weekend is already at an end. Brush away slight morose feelings at how quickly the days seem to fly by now.

22.20 Posting this! Never did take my recycling down the road, though. Maybe tomorrow.

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