Sunday 29 October 2006

Up Before Lunchtime

Ah, Sunday. Finest of all weekdays. The whole day stretches before me, like an unexplored canvas. But that mixed metaphor aside, what a beautiful day. And even though it is 11.30 and the day hasn't really started for me yet, there is still much of the day left to fill.

The reason that I am up before lunchtime is thanks to the miracle of the bi-annual ritual of putting the clocks forward and back, much like the hokey cokey, every six months. Yesterday (well, this morning, technically) as I'm sure you know, the clocks went back an hour. As a result, this morning when I awoke from my slumber, a sleepy gaze at my clock revealed that it was not past mid-day, it was, in fact, 10.58am.

I am officially up before lunchtime. A good omen for a productive and useful day ahead. I have already found a bunch of old scripts in the cupboard which are right now going through my scanner, where they will be stored efficiently on my computer and the original paper will be sent to a farm in Wales for recycling. It's not a lot of extra space, and it doesn't contribute much to the overall tidiness (or not) but at least it's something. Perhaps later I will look at that carrier bag full of videotapes that has been in my way for the last few years. I might even put some things on eBay. What a day.

It's all thanks to the time change. What a difference an hour makes. We should put our clocks forward and back, much like some kind of disco move, more often. In fact this is inspiration which struck me the other day (thanks Sue) and so I already have a master plan for your consideration..

It is hereby proposed that: Ye grande state of Greate Britain hereby be doth oblig'd to put ye clokks forward and back (much like ye Grande Waltz) twice weekly. OK, enough with the Olde English, not quite sure why I started that. But my point, and I do have one, is this. Every Friday night, at about 7pm, I propose that we put the clocks BACK an hour. Suddenly it is 6pm again! Party on!

Of course you can't have the clocks going back every week without also putting them forward at some time. I have thought of this too. Clocks go FORWARD an hour on Monday afternoons at about.. oh, I should say 4pm. And suddenly everyone at work can go home early! Actually this might not be so good for anyone at school. OK, let's make it.. 2.30pm. Clocks go forward an hour every Monday at 2.30.

While I was at school that would have meant missing Computer Studies, which would have been a disaster, but perhaps a non-functional lesson such as Geography could be moved into that timeslot instead.

And having finished putting the world to rights, I see that it is nearly lunchtime. I'm going to have Sunday lunch, and enjoy it, and then set about more activities of grand import. I might even take my plastic bottles for recyling. Ah, what a day it will be..

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