Saturday 14 October 2006

My Diet Is Not What It Should Be

I still like to think that I invented Blogging. Here's something I wrote back in September 1996:

Do you remember Jesse from 'The Fast Show" ? ... It made me think that I should take a bit of notice of what I was mostly eating, so today I made a careful mental note.

My eating for today goes something like this: One can of Lucozade, one Lion bar, A Whopper Jr. and fries. One bag of buttered toffee popcorn. Some toast with marmite. Chocolate ice cream. (Two bowls). And this talk of food is giving me a hankering for some ready salted crisps...

It has become apparent that my diet is not what it should be.

Still, that reminds me of that exciting yoghurt I came across in the supermarket the other day. It caught my eye because it was in a brown pot. Brown is not a colour I associate with yoghurt. Blue, perhaps, or a nice strawberry pink.. Even green or yellow. Any colour but brown, which would be the last on the list.

Still, this brown-potted yoghurt (I'm sure Alexei Sayle could do quite a routine about it) was a flavour I hadn't come across before. "Melon & Ginger".

Now I obviously don't get out enough, because Melon is not something I've ever sampled before. In search of new experiences, I purchased the yoghurt and some days later gave it a field test in the comfort of my own home.

And it was horrible! The Melon taste was really quite pleasant for the few fractions of a second that it lasted until Captain Ginger and his cavalry of brown horses kicked in. Eww!

One spoon was enough, and it was all over. I won't be adventurous like that again, certainly not with yoghurts anyway. Can I interest anyone in a second hand opened yoghurt, only one previous owner?

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