Saturday 28 October 2006


Having neglected this blog for over 11 days now, I feel the urgent need to write something. Not because I have anything I wish to say, but purely because I have to say something so that my millions and millions of adoring fans do not think I have given up blogging, and turn off their computers to go and do something less boring instead.

(Looks around...) I'm sure that the millions will be here shortly. Anyway...

Well, how 'bout that Halloween, huh? What's that all about? Who's that for?

Many years ago, when I lived somewhere else, and somewhere else again before that, I was frequently disturbed on Halloween evenings by children knocking on the door demanding sweeties with menaces. I would either sit indoors with all the lights turned off, or on the rare occasions that I did open the door, offer some Safeway Savers chocolate biscuits. (Well, it pays to be frugal.)

Alas I'm not sure that anyone was ever very impressed with this, and it didn't really seem like I was getting into the spirit of the occasion. So since moving into my current home, I have made it a tradition to ensure that every October, I am ready with many sweeties and things, in the event that any wandering souls may be in need of their sugar fix on the busy Halloween evening.

So far - eight years and counting - I have never ever been troubled by any visitors at all. And thus, as November rolls around, I've ended up eating the sweeties by myself.

It's not much of a way for a grown-up to celebrate Halloween, but I guess it'll do. Of course if I was "the going-out sort" I'm sure that other grown-ups throw all kinds of parties on such a day - and who wouldn't enjoy an excuse to get dressed up for just such an occasion? Well, perhaps in another eight years or so.

In the meantime, it seems that
Second Life is really getting into the Halloween spirit. There's a big party at Luskwood (where all the coolest cats hang out, literally) and even the place where I occasionally play Mahjong solitaire (I am SO old!) is all 'weened up. So perhaps this year I will "go out" online - for shy/scared/idle/lazy people like me, it beats leaving the house any day of the week.

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